As designer, I have a strong fashion background particularly in trend analysis and artistic direction in France and abroad, I have worked as a trend specialist for more than 15 years for many brands, either through direct consulting or by creating trend books. I have been in charge of the trends analysis, in term of textiles research , colors range and fashion directions.
- Nelly Rodi, conception Julie Greux, illustration Sonia Leloup
- Promostyl, Direction Artistic, illustration Linda Reinders, conception François Lavaux
- Nelly Rodi, conception Julie Greux, illustration Sonia Leloup
- Première Vision, Trends area fabrics selection
- Fabrics reseach
- Promostyl, Conception Julie Greux, illustration Stéphanie Alastra,
- Promostyl, Conception Julie Greux, illustration Stéphanie Alastra,